Overview of Shinami's guides

Learn about a product

For short but useful product overviews, see the table below. If you still have questions, don't hesitate to reach out to support@shinami.com!

Wallet Services• High-level overview
• Gaming + Aptos
• High-level overview
• Gaming + Sui
• Shinami vs Enoki
Gas Station• High-level overview
• Gaming + Aptos: why and how?
• High-level overview
• Gaming + Sui
• Shinami vs Enoki
Node Service• High-level overview • High-level overview

Integrate a product

In addition to our API docs, we have great guides and tutorials with sample code to help you get up and running quickly:

Aptos Tutorials and GuidesSui Tutorials and Guides
Node Service• Send Your First Request • Send Your First Request
Wallet Services• Backend sample code (TypeScript) • Backend sample code (TypeScript)
• zkLogin App Starter Template (Next.js)
Gas Station• Backend sample code (TypeScript)
• Frontend signing + BE sponsorship
• Backend sample code (TypeScript)
• Frontend signing + BE sponsorship
Move questions• Developer Resources
• Common questions
• NFTs on Aptos
• Developer Resources
• Common questions
• NFTs on SUI

Get help using a product

Get answers to common billing and product usage questions in our Help Center.

We have latency and error code metrics for all services, with time ranges going back up to 12 weeks.