Shinami Documentation Updates

March 18, 2024Gas Station APIAdd a gas_getFund method to get the balance for a Gas Station fund.
December 11, 2023Gas Station API
Invisible Wallet API
Added a Gas Station error code -2 to distinguish between a failed sponsorship request being due to an issue on our end or yours.

Added an auto-budgeting feature to Gas Station sponsorships. gasBudget is now optional, and if omitted we'll estimate the gas fee of the transaction for you and add a buffer for safety. This applies to:
- Gas Station's gas_sponsorTransactionBlock
- Invisible Wallet's shinami_wal_executeGaslessTransactionBlock
November 7, 2023 zkLogin wallet APIShinami now supports zkLogin wallets! We introduced two new methods:
- shinami_zkw_getOrCreateZkLoginWallet: Retrieves a zkLogin wallet along with its associated salt, creating a new wallet if necessary. This method provides the option to create and use multiple zkLogin wallets per (user, OAuth provider) pair by using the optional subWwallet parameter.
- shinami_zkp_createZkLoginProof: Generate a zkLogin proof prior to signing and executing a transaction.
September 19, 2023Invisible Wallet APIAdded beneficiary graph methods:
- shinami_walx_setBeneficiary
- shinami_walx_unsetBeneficiary
- shinami_walx_getBeneficiary
June 26, 2023Sui API ReferenceNew system read method:
- sui_getChainIdentifier
May 8, 2023Sui API ReferenceNew system read method:
- sui_getProtocolConfig
May 1, 2023Sui API, WebSocket APINew system read method:
- suix_getValidatorsApy

New subscription method
- suix_subscribeTransaction
April 17, 2023 Sui API ReferenceNew name service read methods:

- suix_resolveNameServiceAddress
- suix_resolveNameServiceNames
March 27, 2023 Sui API ReferenceExtensive breaking changes for devnet 0.29.0
March 13, 2023Sui API ReferenceNew object read method:
- sui_multiGetObjects
January 23, 2023Sui API ReferenceNew system read methods:
- sui_getReferenceGasPrice
- sui_getCheckpointContentsByDigest
- sui_getCheckpointSummaryByDigest
January 9, 2023Sui API ReferenceNew delegation write methods:
- sui_requestWithdrawDelegation
- sui_requestSwitchDelegation
- sui_requestAddDelegation

New system read methods:
- sui_getValidators
- sui_getDelegatedStakes
- sui_getCheckpointContents
- sui_getCheckpointContentsBySequenceNumber
- sui_getCheckpointSummary
- sui_getLatestCheckpointSequenceNumber
January 2, 2023Sui API ReferenceNew coin read methods:
- sui_getAllBalance
- sui_getAllCoins

New transaction read methods:
- sui_devInspectTransaction
- sui_devInspectMoveCall
December 12, 2022Sui API ReferenceNew coin read methods:
- sui_getBalance
- sui_getCoins
- sui_getTotalSupply

New object read methods:
- sui_getDynamicFields
- sui_getDynamicFieldObject