Shinami updates

Week ofCategoryUpdate
January 12, 2025Shinami Clients SDK Released version 0.9.5 with support for our new Sui node URL launched last week.
January 6, 2025Sui Node ServiceChanged our URL to For now, is still supported. Please migrate the next time you make code changes. If you update to the version 0.9.5 or higher of our Shinami Clients SDK you will migrate automatically (for all calls using the SDK).
December 30, 2024GeneralWe've been using the last few weeks to work on lots of behind the scenes improvements so you continue to get world-class infrastructure with a great dashboard into 2025 and beyond!
November 25, 2024Shinami Dashboard: Workspace pageWorkspace contact email is now editable!
November 18, 2024Shinami Dashboard: log inLaunched Sign-in with Google!
November 11, 2024JSON-RPC Errors

API Access Keys
1. Introduced JSON-RPC error -32012 Resource Limit Exceeded to communicate situations where you should not immediately retry. For example, hitting the daily free request limit of our Sui Node Service Free plan.

2. Updated our Gas Station and Wallet Services access key creation and editing so that now you have an allotment you can distribute across your keys as you prefer.
October 14, 2024Aptos Indexer GraphQL API Released Aptos Indexer GraphQL Service šŸš€
September 23, 2024Shinami Clients SDK Released version 0.9.4 of the Shinami Clients SDK with a new client for the Shinami Aptos Full node REST API and forthcoming Indexer GraphQL API
September 2, 2024Aptos Fullnode Rest API Released Aptos Fullnode REST API Service šŸš€.
August 5, 2024Shinami Clients SDK Released version 0.9.3 which added depositAddress to the Aptos Gas StationgetFund response.
July 29, 2024Aptos Gas Station API Added depositAddress to gasGetFund cURL response (SDK support coming shortly).
July 15, 2024Next.js zkLogin SDK Added support for Sign in with Apple.
July 1, 2024Aptos Invisible Wallet API

Sui Invisible Wallet API
1. Launched Aptos Invisible Wallet API

2. Sui Invisible Wallet API: Added support for new Key Service and Wallet Service URLs which add /sui to the path. We will support the previous path without /sui for the time being, but plan to remove it at some point in the future when we bump our API version. New URLs:- Key Service: Wallet Service:
June 24, 2024Shinami Clients SDK Breaking changes for Sui: Released clients-v0.9.0 and nextjs-zklogin-v0.4.0 with support for Mysten Sui SDK 1.0. See our release notes for more information.
June 17, 2024Sui Gas Station API Added an optional gasPrice parameter to Gas Station's gas_sponsorTransactionBlock .
June 10, 2024Aptos Gas Station API

Shinami Clients SDK
1. Launched version 0.8.1 of our clients SDK with support for the first two methods below:

2. Launched three new Aptos Gas Station methods: gas_sponsorAndSubmitSignedTransaction, gas_getFund, and gas_encodeAndSponsorTransaction.
May 19, 2024Aptos Gas Station API

Shinami Clients SDK
1. Launched Aptos Gas Station API with gas_sponsorTransaction method.

2. Updated Shinami Clients SDK. Deprecated "@shinami/clients" import path in favor of "@shinami/clients/sui" and `"@shinami/clients/aptos". This will be a breaking change in a future release.
March 18, 2024Sui Gas Station APIAdd a gas_getFund method to get the balance for a Gas Station fund.
December 11, 2023Sui Gas Station API
Sui Invisible Wallet API
Added a Gas Station error code -2 to distinguish between a failed sponsorship request being due to an issue on our end or yours.A2. dded an auto-budgeting feature to Gas Station sponsorships. gasBudget is now optional, and if omitted we'll estimate the gas fee of the transaction for you and add a buffer for safety. This applies to:

- Gas Station's gas_sponsorTransactionBlock
- Invisible Wallet's shinami_wal_executeGaslessTransactionBlock
November 7, 2023 Sui zkLogin wallet APIšŸš€ Shinami now supports zkLogin wallets! We introduced two new methods:

- shinami_zkw_getOrCreateZkLoginWallet: Retrieves a zkLogin wallet along with its associated salt, creating a new wallet if necessary. This method provides the option to create and use multiple zkLogin wallets per (user, OAuth provider) pair by using the optional subWwallet parameter.
- shinami_zkp_createZkLoginProof: Generate a zkLogin proof prior to signing and executing a transaction.
September 19, 2023Sui Invisible Wallet APIAdded beneficiary graph methods:

- shinami_walx_setBeneficiary
- shinami_walx_unsetBeneficiary
- shinami_walx_getBeneficiary
June 26, 2023Sui API ReferenceNew system read method:

- sui_getChainIdentifier
May 8, 2023Sui API ReferenceNew system read method:

- sui_getProtocolConfig
May 1, 2023Sui API, WebSocket APINew system read method:

- suix_getValidatorsApyNew subscription method

- suix_subscribeTransaction
April 17, 2023 Sui API ReferenceNew name service read methods:

- suix_resolveNameServiceAddress
- suix_resolveNameServiceNames
March 27, 2023 Sui API ReferenceExtensive breaking changes for devnet 0.29.0
March 13, 2023Sui API ReferenceNew object read method:

- sui_multiGetObjects
January 23, 2023Sui API ReferenceNew system read methods:

- sui_getReferenceGasPrice
- sui_getCheckpointContentsByDigest
- sui_getCheckpointSummaryByDigest
January 9, 2023Sui API ReferenceNew delegation write methods:

- sui_requestWithdrawDelegation

- sui_requestSwitchDelegation

- sui_requestAddDelegation New system read methods:

- sui_getValidators

- sui_getDelegatedStakes

- sui_getCheckpointContents

- sui_getCheckpointContentsBySequenceNumber

- sui_getCheckpointSummary

- sui_getLatestCheckpointSequenceNumber
January 2, 2023Sui API ReferenceNew coin read methods:

- sui_getAllBalance

- sui_getAllCoins New transaction read methods:

- sui_devInspectTransaction

- sui_devInspectMoveCall
December 12, 2022Sui API ReferenceNew coin read methods:

- sui_getBalance

- sui_getCoins

- sui_getTotalSupply New object read methods:

- sui_getDynamicFields

- sui_getDynamicFieldObject