Wallet Services

Provide a great user experience by creating embedded wallets for your users.

What's Included?

This guide provides a high-level summary of the benefits of integrating Shinami's Wallet Services into your application. We also show you an image of a transaction flow so you can better understand what an integration entails.

Shinami Invisible Wallets are on-ramps for Web2 users

Shinami Invisible Wallets abstract away private key management and signing popups for users. They offer a convenient, on-chain way to store the assets a user obtains through interacting with your app (for example, an NFT representing an in-game character). Whereas Aptos Keyless wallets rely on a user's Google login, Invisible Wallets work with whatever existing authentication your app has in place. Additionally, Invisible Wallets pair easily with Shinami Gas Station, which helps you pay the small fees for your users' transactions. This means your users don't have the friction of downloading a wallet app, managing a seed phrase, and completing KYC to buy APT - all of which can lead Web2-native users to abandon your app. Finally, these wallets are tied to your app, meaning a user cannot connect them to another app - they would have a separate Invisible Wallet wallet address with the other app.

By comparison, a connected, self-custody wallet - e.g. a connected browser wallet - means users must approve each transaction. This means they don't need to place a lot of trust in the apps they interact with. These wallets are also portable across apps, so that a user can have one address to interact with all the apps they use if desired. However, these wallets require Web3 familiarity that most Web2 users don't have. They require users to manage their private keys through seed-phrases. They also present friction that interrupts a user's engagement with your app, like signing popups.

Invisible Wallets wallets, therefore, offer an on-ramp for Web2-native users onto Web3 applications. They offer ownership that lacks the full user-control of connected, self-custody wallets. In exchange, they allow you to provide the great user experience that Web2 users expect. As users get more comfortable with Web3, you can graduate their assets to full self-custody wallets they control if desired.

Transaction Flow Diagram

Invisible Wallet

Steps of the transaction flow

  1. The user defeats a boss and earns the right to upgrade their hero's stats. They decide how to upgrade them and click "Upgrade" on your app's frontend.
  2. Your app's backend constructs a fee payer transaction that will upgrade the user's hero as they chose.
  3. Your app's backend sends one request to Shinami, which conveniently does all of the following:
  4. Signs the transaction using the Invisible Wallet for the user.
  5. Sponsors the transaction's gas fee using your Gas Station fund.
  6. Submits the transaction to the Aptos blockchain to update the player's hero NFT.

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