Frequently asked questions about using Shinami's products

What's in this doc?

Frequently asked questions about Shinami's products that don't fit neatly into our other guides and tutorials. We try to include common integration questions about specific APIs in the relevant API docs. We have a lot of helpful content below, but if you don't find an answer to your question you can reach out to [email protected].

All chains

API Errors and API Keys

What does this error code mean?

See our Error Reference for guidance on the general errors you may see, as well as service-specific errors.

How do I adjust my API key settings?

See our Authentication and API Keys guide for info on how to create API access keys, edit Node Service rate limits, how to set sender domain or IP address allowlists, and how to delete or disable a access key.

Workspace team management

In this section, you'll find answers to the following questions:

What is a workspace and where are the workspace settings?

When you create an account with Shinami, you have a workspace where you are the admin. A workspace is a set of API keys, Gas Station funds, and billing information that can be shared by multiple users. You can find your workspace settings by clicking "Workspace" near bottom of the left nav:

Read below to find out how to manage your workspace!

How do I change my workspace name?

On the Workspace page of the Shinami dashboard, admins can change the name of the workspace by clicking the edit button next to the name:

then typing in the new name:

and, finally, clicking enter/return on your keyboard to save the change:

How do I invite someone to join my workspace?

On the Workspace page of the Shinami dashboard, admins can invite others to join the team. First, click the "+Invite Member" button.

Then, enter the email address you wish you invite and click "+ Invite".

Now, you'll see the email address in your Workspace team table with the pending status of "Invited".

If you accidentally invite the wrong email address, you can cancel the invitation - see the next section:

How do I cancel or resend a pending invitation?

A workspace admin can cancel or resend a pending invitation on the Workspace page of the Shinami Dashboard. Click the three dots in the ACTIONS column for the user, and then click the action you wish you take.

How do I change a team members role or remove them?

A workspace admin can change a user's role or remove them from the workspace on the Workspace page of the Shinami Dashboard. For an existing account with the "user" role, click the three dots in the ACTIONS column for the user, and select "Make admin" or "Remove member".

For an existing account with the "admin" role, click the three dots in the ACTIONS column for the user, and select "Remove admin privileges" or "Remove member".

What is the workspace contact email and how do I change it?

The workspace contact email is shown on under Settings on the Workspace page of your Shinami dashboard. This contact receives key emails from Shinami, such as billing emails. By default, it's the email of the user who created the workspace. Currently, this cannot be changed. If you need to change it, email us at [email protected].

How many people can join a workspace?

Up to five members can belong to a workspace.

How many workspaces can I be a part of?

There is currently no limit on the number of workspaces you can join.

What can a workspace admin do that a regular user cannot?

The admin role has the following permissions that regular users do not have:

Team management

  • Invite a new member to the workspace.
  • Cancel or resend a pending workspace invitation.
  • Promote a team member to the admin role.
  • Demote a team member from the admin role to the user role.
  • Remove a team member from the workspace.

Workspace settings

  • Change the workspace name.


  • View and edit billing information.

All other actions in the console can be performed by both admin and user roles.


Wallet Services

How do I view my API requests and wallet activity?

In your Shinami dashboard, visit the

How do I migrate my existing users to Invisible Wallets?

You can easily create an Invisible Wallet for them behind the scenes. There's no need for them to go through any authentication again. When you create an Invisible Wallet, you associate a walletID with each of your users and use that in Invisible Wallet API requests. This can be their existing userID, or another ID you tie to their userID. Just make sure a walletID - and is associated walletSecret - never change. STe steps are:

  1. Generate unique (walletID, walletSecret) pairs for each user.
  2. Make an API request to create a wallet for each user.
  3. If you are migrating from a pre-existing embedded wallet, you can transfer the contents to their new, Invisible Wallet.

Gas Station

In this section, you'll find answers to the following questions:

How do I create a fund?

You create Gas Station funds within the Shinami dashboard. A fund is tied to one network (Testnet, Mainnet) and you can have multiple funds per network. Visit one of the pages below and click + Create fund:

How do I generate and find the deposit address of a fund?

Once your fund has been created, you can make deposits in order to start sponsoring transactions. To find your fund's address, click View in the table (or + Add Gas Credits above it). Below, we clicked Viewbecause it take you directly to the fund summary):

In the modal that pops up, you will be able to see fund details and deposit history. When you do this the first time, a deposit address is generated. So, you need to do this at least once. This is the address you will make deposits to. Your address will be different than the example shown, and will be different for each of your Gas Station funds. Click the copy button (highlighted) to copy the address.

Note: Gas Station fund deposits can only be used to sponsor transactions and cannot be withdrawn. That said, you don't need to deposit an amount that will last you for months. You can deposit a smaller amount and monitor your balance in your Shinami dashboard or via the API with our gas_getFund request. When the balance gets low, you can add enough to last another week or two (or whatever works best for you).

How do I use a fund for sponsorship?

When you set up an API access key with Gas Station rights for a network, you link it to a fund on that network. Then, whenever you make an API request to sponsor a transaction, we use the fund linked to the API key you use. See our Authentication and API Keys guide for an example of setting up a Gas Station API access key.

How do I check which fund an access key is tied to?

On the Access Keys page of your Shinami dashboard, click on the + next to the key in the "Access keys" table to expand the key editor tray. Once you click the + it becomes a - you can use to close the tray. If the key has Gas Station rights, we show the fund it's connected to.

First, click the `+` next to the key.

How do I get free Testnet funds for testing?

Here are some options for:

How do I view my in-flight sponsored transactions?

On the Gas Station page of your Shinami dashboard, click the "In flight transactions tab."

How do I view my recently sponsored transactions?

On the Gas Station page of your Shinami dashboard, click on the "Completed transactions" tab.

What fee does Shinami charge for sponsorships?

We charge a small fee per sponsorship, as well as a fee if your sponsorship goes unused. For full details, see the Billing page in your Shinami dashboard. Once you select Sui or Aptos, click the caret v to expand the billing description.

How do I view my Gas Station billing statements?

Note: Aptos monthly billing statements coming soon.

On the Billing page of your Shinami dashboard, click the Sui or Aptos Gas Station tab to show the "Mainnet Statements" table. You'll find an entry for each month you've been sponsoring transactions on Mainnet. The Shinami Fees column will show 0 prior to February 2024, since we turned on Gas Station billing in the middle of that month.

We add an entry for a new month 3-4 days after it ends. You can see a summary of your total sponsorships, as well as the total Sui transaction fees and Shinami fees for those transactions. You can also download a full report for the month, which is a CSV file containing each transaction sponsorship you made. You can do this by clicking the "Download" button in the "FULL REPORT" column.

Sui-only products

Node Service

How can I see my requests and errors?

The Node Service page of the Shinami dashboard has metrics that break down requests and errors by request name. You can view stats for a network or an individual API access key on that network. You can also select the time period: from just the last hour all the way to the last 12 weeks. The metrics are presented in UTC.

How can I get more requests per second and lower latency?

We offer Enterprise plans that start at 400 QPS per network and can easily scale higher to accommodate your needs. We can also deploy infrastructure in your region for the quickest read latency possible (write latency may improve as well, but is dependent on validator location). If this sounds right for you, contact us at [email protected].

Which Node Service requests am I billed for?

Free plan customers are not charged for requests but have a daily request limit per network (e.g. Mainnet). If you hit the daily limit, all subsequent requests are rate-limited until the next day. Growth plan customers have no daily request limit and are just limited by their 200 QPS per network allotment. Growth plan customers get the same daily free allotment and are then charged for all requests above that (including all errors and all WebSocket requests). We expect your error rate to be very low, outside of heavy rate limiting. To see our daily limits and per-request pricing, and upgrade to Growth, see the Billing page of your dashboard. If you think rate limiting will be an issue for you, reach out to us at [email protected] to discuss Enterprise plans, which start at 400QPS per network and can go much higher if needed.