SUI JSON-RPC read API for object and coin data

Authentication, rate limits, and error handling

See our JSON-RPC API overview doc.

Reading Object Data


Return the object data for a specified object.


  • id : the ID of the queried object
  • options : SuiObjectDataOptions - Optional. Sui options for specifying the object content to be returned. All options default to false if not provided.

Example Request Template

The TypeScript example uses the Shinami Clients SDK.

Replace all instances of {{name}} with the actual value for that name

curl \ -X POST \ -H 'X-API-Key: {{nodeAccessKey}}' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '{ "jsonrpc":"2.0", "method":"sui_getObject", "params":[ "{{objectId}}", { "showType": true, "showOwner": true, "showPreviousTransaction": true, "showDisplay": true, "showContent": false, "showBcs": false, "showStorageRebate": true } ], "id":1 }'
import { createSuiClient } from "@shinami/clients/sui"; const nodeClient = createSuiClient({{nodeAccessKey}}); await nodeClient.getObject({ id: "{{objectId}}", options: { showBcs: false, showContent: false, showDisplay: true, showOwner: true, showPreviousTransaction: true, showStorageRebate: true, showType: true } });

Example Response

{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "result": { "data": { "objectId": "0xee496a0cc04d06a345982ba6697c90c619020de9e274408c7819f787ff66e1a1", "version": "1", "digest": "A8XvoZVx3d3b4w47cAjSoAUKHd1DLRPh4JBwRKCmFeDw", "type": "package", "owner": "Immutable", "previousTransaction": "9eAtptEvo2Nugre64dnjD8m87YZWppwTctUfktPXQCUi", "storageRebate": "75924000", "display": { "data": null, "error": null } } }, "id": 1 }
{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "result": { "error": { "code": "notExists", "object_id": "0xee496a0cc04d06a345982ba6697c90c619020de9e274408c7819f787ff66e1a2" } }, "id": 1 }
{ data: { objectId: '0xee496a0cc04d06a345982ba6697c90c619020de9e274408c7819f787ff66e1a1', version: '1', digest: 'A8XvoZVx3d3b4w47cAjSoAUKHd1DLRPh4JBwRKCmFeDw', type: 'package', owner: 'Immutable', previousTransaction: '9eAtptEvo2Nugre64dnjD8m87YZWppwTctUfktPXQCUi', storageRebate: '75924000', display: { data: null, error: null } } }
{ error: { code: 'notExists', object_id: '0xee496a0cc04d06a345982ba6697c90c619020de9e274408c7819f787ff66e1a2' } }

Response Data


Return the object data for a list of objects.


  • ids : A list of object ids to be queried
  • options : SuiObjectDataOptions - Optional. Sui options for specifying the object content to be returned for each id. All options default to false if not provided.

Example Request Template

The TypeScript example uses the Shinami Clients SDK.

Replace all instances of {{name}} with the actual value for that name

curl \ -X POST \ -H 'X-API-Key: {{nodeAccessKey}}' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '{ "jsonrpc":"2.0", "method":"sui_multiGetObjects", "params":[ [ "{{objectId}}", "{{objectId2}}" ], { "showType": true, "showOwner": true, "showPreviousTransaction": true, "showDisplay": true, "showContent": false, "showBcs": false, "showStorageRebate": true } ], "id":1 }'
import { createSuiClient } from "@shinami/clients/sui"; const nodeClient = createSuiClient({{nodeAccessKey}}); await nodeClient.multiGetObjects({ ids: [ "{{objectId}}", "{{objectId2}}" ], options: { showBcs: false, showContent: false, showDisplay: true, showOwner: true, showPreviousTransaction: true, showStorageRebate: true, showType: true } });

Example Response

{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "result": [ { "data": { "objectId": "0xee496a0cc04d06a345982ba6697c90c619020de9e274408c7819f787ff66e1a1", "version": "1", "digest": "A8XvoZVx3d3b4w47cAjSoAUKHd1DLRPh4JBwRKCmFeDw", "type": "package", "owner": "Immutable", "previousTransaction": "9eAtptEvo2Nugre64dnjD8m87YZWppwTctUfktPXQCUi", "storageRebate": "75924000", "display": { "data": null, "error": null } } }, { "error": { "code": "notExists", "object_id": "0xee496a0cc04d06a345982ba6697c90c619020de9e274408c7819f787ff66e1a2" } } ], "id": 1 }
[ { data: { objectId: '0xee496a0cc04d06a345982ba6697c90c619020de9e274408c7819f787ff66e1a1', version: '1', digest: 'A8XvoZVx3d3b4w47cAjSoAUKHd1DLRPh4JBwRKCmFeDw', type: 'package', owner: 'Immutable', previousTransaction: '9eAtptEvo2Nugre64dnjD8m87YZWppwTctUfktPXQCUi', storageRebate: '75924000', display: [Object] } }, { error: { code: 'notExists', object_id: '0xee496a0cc04d06a345982ba6697c90c619020de9e274408c7819f787ff66e1a2' } } ]

Response Data
A list of type SuiObjectResponse, whose elements can be either of:



Caution: this will not return data on deleted objects or old object versions unless you are using a Shinami dedicated node with extra history storage enabled. For more info see here.

Return the object information for a specified version. Note there is no software-level guarantee/SLA that objects with past versions can be retrieved by this API, even if the object and version exists/existed. We store full object history on Mainnet but no object history on Testnet, as explained here.

Request Parameters

object_idstringThe ID of the object you want historical information about.
versionnumberThe version of the object you wish to retrieve.
options(Optional) SuiObjectDataOptions for specifying the object content to be returned

Example Request Template

The TypeScript example uses the Shinami Clients SDK.

curl \ -X POST \ -H 'X-API-Key: NODE_SERVICE_API_KEY' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '{ "jsonrpc":"2.0", "method":"sui_tryGetPastObject", "params":[ "0x0638aeb661190695126f978fa8b8ef54096d3dc73334e92ccc8b5ca9d69088be", 1, { "showType": false, "showOwner": true, "showPreviousTransaction": true, "showDisplay": false, "showContent": false, "showBcs": false, "showStorageRebate": false } ], "id":1 }'
import { createSuiClient } from "@shinami/clients/sui"; const nodeClient = createSuiClient(NODE_SERVICE_API_KEY); const resp = await nodeClient.tryGetPastObject({ id: "0x0638aeb661190695126f978fa8b8ef54096d3dc73334e92ccc8b5ca9d69088bd", version: 25907362, options: { showContent: true, showPreviousTransaction: true } });

Example Response

// Version found example { "id" : 1, "jsonrpc" : "2.0", "result" : { "details" : { "digest" : "6RWWWsPnPuozKWKyKPAYTATX846theRymgRo5tbFb27E", "objectId" : "0x0638aeb661190695126f978fa8b8ef54096d3dc73334e92ccc8b5ca9d69088bd", "owner" : { "AddressOwner" : "0xeb583665fb5a35f488234bd8715be86bab0f8ba5311d95ee5a8f67b6088ca2b0" }, "previousTransaction" : "7Aje5hgRyGvJJxsqUKxBtFf34z3Mveq9LsjvwcUF58Mh", "version" : "25907363" }, "status" : "VersionFound" } } // Version not found example: the version is invalid or the FullNode is not storing it { "id" : 1, "jsonrpc" : "2.0", "result" : { "details" : [ "0x0638aeb661190695126f978fa8b8ef54096d3dc73334e92ccc8b5ca9d69088bd", 1 ], "status" : "VersionNotFound" } } // Object not found example: check that you are requesting for the correct network and object id { "id" : 1, "jsonrpc" : "2.0", "result" : { "details" : "0x0638aeb661190695126f978fa8b8ef54096d3dc73334e92ccc8b5ca9d69088be", "status" : "ObjectNotExists" } }
// Verison found example: { status: 'VersionFound', details: { objectId: '0x0638aeb661190695126f978fa8b8ef54096d3dc73334e92ccc8b5ca9d69088bd', version: '25907363', digest: '6RWWWsPnPuozKWKyKPAYTATX846theRymgRo5tbFb27E', previousTransaction: '7Aje5hgRyGvJJxsqUKxBtFf34z3Mveq9LsjvwcUF58Mh', content: { dataType: 'moveObject', type: '0x607df06bc57d6e12111a44ea6f62b738c11ef207c5ecc201f103bbf7d79ed3e3::hero::Hero', hasPublicTransfer: true, fields: [Object] } } } // Version not found example: the version is invalid or the FullNode is not storing it { status: 'VersionNotFound', details: [ '0x0638aeb661190695126f978fa8b8ef54096d3dc73334e92ccc8b5ca9d69088bd', 25907362 ] } // Object not found example: check that you are requesting for the correct network and object id { status: 'ObjectNotExists', details: '0x0638aeb661190695126f978fa8b8ef54096d3dc73334e92ccc8b5ca9d69088bd' }

Response Data

ObjectReadContents vary based on the status. Statuses include "VersionFound", "ObjectNotExists", "ObjectDeleted", "VersionNotFound", and "VersionTooHigh". Some examples are shown in the example responses. Click the link on the type to learn more about the possible data shapes.



Caution: this will not return data on deleted objects or old object versions unless you are using a Shinami dedicated node with extra history storage enabled. For more info see here.

Return object information for a vector of objects and versions. Note there is no software-level guarantee/SLA that objects with past versions can be retrieved by this API, even if the object and version exists/existed. We store full object history on Mainnet but no object history on Testnet, as explained here.


  • past_objects : <[GetPastObjectRequest]> - a vector of objects and versions to be queried
  • options : <ObjectDataOptions> - Optional. Sui options for specifying the object content to be returned
curl \ -X POST \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '{ "jsonrpc":"2.0", "method":"sui_tryMultiGetPastObjects", "params":["{{past_objects}}", "showType": true, "showOwner": true, "showPreviousTransaction": true, "showDisplay": false, "showContent": true, "showBcs": false, "showStorageRebate": true], "id":1}'

Vec<SuiPastObjectResponse> : <[ObjectRead]>


Return the dynamic field object information for a specified object.


  • parent_object_id : String - the ID of the queried parent object
  • name : type DynamicFieldName with elements:
    • type: String- the type of the object
    • value: additional identifying information (see example below)

Example Request Template

The TypeScript example uses the Shinami Clients SDK.

Replace all instances of {{name}} with the actual value for that name

curl \ -X POST \ -H 'X-API-Key: {{nodeAccessKey}}' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '{ "jsonrpc":"2.0", "method":"suix_getDynamicFieldObject", "params":[ "{{parentObjectId}}", "type" : "objectType", "value" : {{theValue}} ], "id":1 }' ## ## Real-world mainnet example: ## curl \ -X POST \ -H 'X-API-Key: {{nodeAccessKey}}' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '{ "jsonrpc":"2.0", "method":"suix_getDynamicFieldObject", "params":[ "0x0c687e442db438be185fad2e86a27abfa1f509c4932d6e8a339ae3e7c8609afd", { "type" : "0x2::kiosk::Listing", "value" : { "id" : "0xe40675ff1cc967c53f6253cb9534bd8b3d9ac43539709ac1a249c5563f323889", "is_exclusive" : true } } ], "id":1 }'
import { createSuiClient } from "@shinami/clients/sui"; const nodeClient = createSuiClient({{nodeAccessKey}}); await nodeClient.getDynamicFieldObject({ parentId: "{{parentObjectId}}", name: { "type" : "{{objectType}}", "value" : {{value}} } }); // // Real-world mainnet example: // await nodeClient.getDynamicFieldObject({ parentId: "0x0c687e442db438be185fad2e86a27abfa1f509c4932d6e8a339ae3e7c8609afd", name: { "type" : "0x2::kiosk::Listing", "value" : { "id" : "0xe40675ff1cc967c53f6253cb9534bd8b3d9ac43539709ac1a249c5563f323889", "is_exclusive" : true } } });

Example Response

{ "id" : 1, "jsonrpc" : "2.0", "result" : { "data" : { "content" : { "dataType" : "moveObject", "fields" : { "id" : { "id" : "0x006d57813508869778f3e64c58408cbfbd8191b07d5a26be59b46e8e88a648be" }, "name" : { "fields" : { "id" : "0xe40675ff1cc967c53f6253cb9534bd8b3d9ac43539709ac1a249c5563f323889", "is_exclusive" : true }, "type" : "0x2::kiosk::Listing" }, "value" : "650000000" }, "hasPublicTransfer" : false, "type" : "0x2::dynamic_field::Field<0x2::kiosk::Listing, u64>" }, "digest" : "DJUR6seb8ovP3WiqTywD9NSWVk17ir1MHW4HNSJhG96X", "objectId" : "0x006d57813508869778f3e64c58408cbfbd8191b07d5a26be59b46e8e88a648be", "owner" : { "ObjectOwner" : "0x0c687e442db438be185fad2e86a27abfa1f509c4932d6e8a339ae3e7c8609afd" }, "previousTransaction" : "4fPHcSzMb5W1xK3zN79hKDrzYxR35ksQF1HZb1QGpDc9", "storageRebate" : "2014000", "type" : "0x2::dynamic_field::Field<0x2::kiosk::Listing, u64>", "version" : "46057077" } } }
{ data: { objectId: '0x006d57813508869778f3e64c58408cbfbd8191b07d5a26be59b46e8e88a648be', version: '46057077', digest: 'DJUR6seb8ovP3WiqTywD9NSWVk17ir1MHW4HNSJhG96X', type: '0x2::dynamic_field::Field<0x2::kiosk::Listing, u64>', owner: { ObjectOwner: '0x0c687e442db438be185fad2e86a27abfa1f509c4932d6e8a339ae3e7c8609afd' }, previousTransaction: '4fPHcSzMb5W1xK3zN79hKDrzYxR35ksQF1HZb1QGpDc9', storageRebate: '2014000', content: { dataType: 'moveObject', type: '0x2::dynamic_field::Field<0x2::kiosk::Listing, u64>', hasPublicTransfer: false, fields: [Object] } }



Return the list of dynamic field objects owned by an object.


  • parent_object_id : String - the ID of the queried parent object
  • cursor : String - optional paging cursor
  • limit : <uint> - maximum number of items per page; defaults to maximum possible if not specified, which is 50.

Example Request Template

The TypeScript example uses the Shinami Clients SDK.

Replace all instances of {{name}} with the actual value for that name

curl \ -X POST \ -H 'X-API-Key: {{nodeServiceAccessKey}}' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '{ "jsonrpc":"2.0", "method":"suix_getDynamicFields", "params":[ "{{parentObjectId}}", "{{cursor}}", {{limit}} ], "id":1 }'
import { createSuiClient } from "@shinami/clients/sui"; const nodeClient = createSuiClient({{nodeAccessKey}}); await nodeClient.getDynamicFields({ parentId: "{{parentObjectId}}", cursor: "{{cursor}}" limit: {{limit}} });

Example Response

{ "id" : 1, "jsonrpc" : "2.0", "result" : { "data" : [ { "bcsName" : "49k8ctZtQ8wZoXT8BRc8JBEYZNRDbGJqRCQ9xpycG2rr", "digest" : "ZypNDZSBfSB9wNqgqGtjxfBDXM3ARr7x7GxxWhWMGpu", "name" : { "type" : "0x2::kiosk::Lock", "value" : { "id" : "0x2ed079dd5b52f5d96238972907db0108de0f9af62e2786935bc2b5706a06f637" } }, "objectId" : "0x0055d940a0c04e0d9a620915c00d62f7059d4cf191e9e9b59177e0288c926485", "objectType" : "bool", "type" : "DynamicField", "version" : 29685770 }, { "bcsName" : "2AjnSJjsS2VtXpqshETPsk3dUMmfHzyzUZ3c7QmJPmFADN", "digest" : "DJUR6seb8ovP3WiqTywD9NSWVk17ir1MHW4HNSJhG96X", "name" : { "type" : "0x2::kiosk::Listing", "value" : { "id" : "0xe40675ff1cc967c53f6253cb9534bd8b3d9ac43539709ac1a249c5563f323889", "is_exclusive" : true } }, "objectId" : "0x006d57813508869778f3e64c58408cbfbd8191b07d5a26be59b46e8e88a648be", "objectType" : "u64", "type" : "DynamicField", "version" : 46057077 } ], "hasNextPage" : true, "nextCursor" : "0x006d57813508869778f3e64c58408cbfbd8191b07d5a26be59b46e8e88a648be" } }
{ data: [ { name: [Object], bcsName: '49k8ctZtQ8wZoXT8BRc8JBEYZNRDbGJqRCQ9xpycG2rr', type: 'DynamicField', objectType: 'bool', objectId: '0x0055d940a0c04e0d9a620915c00d62f7059d4cf191e9e9b59177e0288c926485', version: 29685770, digest: 'ZypNDZSBfSB9wNqgqGtjxfBDXM3ARr7x7GxxWhWMGpu' }, { name: [Object], bcsName: '2AjnSJjsS2VtXpqshETPsk3dUMmfHzyzUZ3c7QmJPmFADN', type: 'DynamicField', objectType: 'u64', objectId: '0x006d57813508869778f3e64c58408cbfbd8191b07d5a26be59b46e8e88a648be', version: 46057077, digest: 'DJUR6seb8ovP3WiqTywD9NSWVk17ir1MHW4HNSJhG96X' } ], nextCursor: '0x006d57813508869778f3e64c58408cbfbd8191b07d5a26be59b46e8e88a648be', hasNextPage: true }

DynamicFieldPage : type DynamicFieldPage with elements:

  • data : Array of type DynamicFieldInfo
  • nextCursor: String | null
  • hasNextPage: Boolean


Return the list of objects owned by an address.


  • owner : the owner's Sui address
  • SuiObjectResponseQuery
    • filter : SuiObjectDataFilter - Optional. Object query criteria.
    • options: SuiObjectDataOptions - Optional. Sui options for specifying the object content to be returned. All options default to false if not provided.
  • cursor : <CheckpointedObjectID> - optional paging cursor. If provided, the query will start from the next item after the specified cursor. Default to start from the first item if not specified.
  • limit : <uint> - optional limit of items per page; default to maximum limit of 50 if not specified.

Example Request Template

The TypeScript example uses the Shinami Clients SDK.

Replace all instances of {{name}} with the actual value for that name

curl \ -X POST \ -H 'X-API-Key: {{nodeAccessKey}}' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '{ "jsonrpc":"2.0", "method":"suix_getOwnedObjects", "params":[ "{{ownersSuiAddress}}", { {{SuiObjectDataFilter}}, # e.g. "Package": "0xc8ada8b9d295379f5c8128fa796b76ddfd8ab78be669463520a6df57d20e5719" "options": { "showType": true, "showOwner": true, "showPreviousTransaction": true, "showDisplay": true, "showContent": true, "showBcs": true, "showStorageRebate": true } } ], "id":1 }'
import { createSuiClient } from "@shinami/clients/sui"; const nodeClient = createSuiClient({{nodeAccessKey}}); await nodeClient.getOwnedObjects({ owner: "{{ownersSuiAddress}}", filter: { {{SuiObjectDataFilter}} // e.g. Package: "0xc8ada8b9d295379f5c8128fa796b76ddfd8ab78be669463520a6df57d20e5719" }, options:{ showBcs: true, showContent: true, showDisplay: true, showOwner: true, showPreviousTransaction: true, showStorageRebate: true, showType: true }, cursor: null, limit: null });

Example Response

{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "result": { "data": [{ "data": { "objectId": "0x5b79956343aa6d3c09e362dd20f97b65027e0c64e75e88a88aa596e45d3a2371", "version": "36175593", "digest": "Gn4n9ZvoUuTmMhUSyb6JfuLjvEvX6xnpmnCydtaLG35n", "type": "0x8bdc95e99e393fea9b0e010353ef27109ca6b93d96c57090d7ab61fc9ca4d78d::loyalty::Box", "owner": { "AddressOwner": "0x4da016bcfd074d7419afa7b9168dd3bc4b6dcfdbe76465bbb34aac299857562a" }, "previousTransaction": "Hpx6kbrtGD4RXa4to7zwJrrbnXs3ovmHZCEfPEnjr7uH", "storageRebate": "1816400", "display": { "data": { "creator": "Worlds Beyond Creator", "description": "The Infinity Passport is a loyalty program that rewards players for playing games in our ecosystem. Players earn Infinity Credits on their Infinity Passports for playing Worlds Beyond games, winning competitions, completing challenges and more. These Infinity Credits can be redeemed for a variety of rewards, including WBITS mining keys, in-game items, exclusive content, and real-world prizes. Be sure to follow news in our Discord and Twitter for the most updated information.", "image_url": "", "infinity_credits": "27630", "link": "", "name": "Infinity Passport #81430", "project_url": "" }, "error": null }, "content": { "dataType": "moveObject", "type": "0x8bdc95e99e393fea9b0e010353ef27109ca6b93d96c57090d7ab61fc9ca4d78d::loyalty::Box", "hasPublicTransfer": false, "fields": { "attributes": { "type": "0xbc3df36be17f27ac98e3c839b2589db8475fa07b20657b08e8891e3aaf5ee5f9::attributes::Attributes", "fields": { "map": { "type": "0x2::vec_map::VecMap<0x1::ascii::String, 0x1::ascii::String>", "fields": { "contents": [{ "type": "0x2::vec_map::Entry<0x1::ascii::String, 0x1::ascii::String>", "fields": { "key": "ID", "value": "81430" } }, { "type": "0x2::vec_map::Entry<0x1::ascii::String, 0x1::ascii::String>", "fields": { "key": "Infinity Credits", "value": "900" } }] } } } }, "id": { "id": "0x5b79956343aa6d3c09e362dd20f97b65027e0c64e75e88a88aa596e45d3a2371" }, "infinity_credits": "27630", "name": "Infinity Passport #81430", "type": "0" } }, "bcs": { "dataType": "moveObject", "type": "0x8bdc95e99e393fea9b0e010353ef27109ca6b93d96c57090d7ab61fc9ca4d78d::loyalty::Box", "hasPublicTransfer": false, "version": 36175593, "bcsBytes": "W3mVY0OqbTwJ42LdIPl7ZQJ+DGTnXoioiqWW5F06I3EAAAAAAAAAABhJbmZpbml0eSBQYXNzcG9ydCAjODE0MzDuawAAAAAAAAICSUQFODE0MzAQSW5maW5pdHkgQ3JlZGl0cwM5MDA=" } } }], "nextCursor": "0x5b79956343aa6d3c09e362dd20f97b65027e0c64e75e88a88aa596e45d3a2371", "hasNextPage": false ## since this is false, you should not follow the cursor }, "id": 1 }
{ data: [ { data: [Object] } ], nextCursor: '0x163672be5eceb498c45a6e92e57e8da19f20c30edbd67dd9d9e8db91796991e1', hasNextPage: false // Since this is false, you should not follow the cursor as there // are no more objects owned by the address that match the filter. }

Response Data
PaginatedObjectsResponse containing:

  • data: list of type SuiObjectResponse
  • hasNextPage: boolean - if false, there are no more results to fetch
  • nextCursor?: String - if hasNextPage is true use this cursor in the subsequent request to fetch additional objects.

Reading Coin Data


Return the total Coin balance owned by an address for one coin type.


  • owner : <SuiAddress> - the owner's Sui address
  • coin_type : <string> - (optional) fully qualified type names for the coin. Defaults to 0x2::sui::SUI if not specified.

Example Request Template

The TypeScript example uses the Shinami Clients SDK.

Replace all instances of {{name}} with the actual value for that name

curl \ -X POST \ -H 'X-API-Key: {{nodeAccessKey}}' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '{ "jsonrpc":"2.0", "method":"suix_getBalance", "params":[ "{{ownerAddress}}", "{{coinType}}" ], "id":1 }'
import { createSuiClient } from "@shinami/clients/sui"; const nodeClient = createSuiClient({{nodeAccessKey}}); await nodeClient.getBalance({ owner: "{{ownerAddress}}", coinType: "{{coinType}}" });

Example Response

{ "jsonrpc":"2.0", "result":{ "coinType":"0x2::sui::SUI", "coinObjectCount":11, "totalBalance":"15822947868", "lockedBalance":{} }, "id":1 }
{ coinType: '0x2::sui::SUI', coinObjectCount: 11, totalBalance: '15822947868', lockedBalance: {} }

Response Data

A CoinBalance object containing:

  • coinType : <string>
  • coinObjectCount : <uint>
  • totalBalance : <BigInt_for_uint128>
  • lockedBalance : <object>


Return the balance for all Coin types owned by an address.


  • owner : <SuiAddress> - the owner's Sui address

Example Request Template

The TypeScript example uses the Shinami Clients SDK.

Replace all instances of {{name}} with the actual value for that name

curl \ -X POST \ -H 'X-API-Key: {{nodeAccessKey}}' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '{ "jsonrpc":"2.0", "method":"suix_getAllBalances", "params":[ "{{ownerAddress}}" ], "id":1 }'
import { createSuiClient } from "@shinami/clients/sui"; const nodeClient = createSuiClient({{nodeAccessKey}}); await nodeClient.getAllBalances({ owner: "{{ownerAddress}}" });

Example Response

{ "jsonrpc" : "2.0", "result" : [ { "coinObjectCount" : 11, "coinType" : "0x2::sui::SUI", "lockedBalance" : {}, "totalBalance" : "15822947868" } ], "id" : 1 }
[ { coinType: '0x2::sui::SUI', coinObjectCount: 11, totalBalance: '15822947868', lockedBalance: {} } ]

Response Data
An array of type CoinBalance , where a CoinBalance is an object containing:

  • coinType : <string>
  • coinObjectCount : <uint>
  • totalBalance : <BigInt_for_uint128>
  • lockedBalance : <object>


Return all Coin objects owned by an address of a given Coin type.


  • owner : <SuiAddress> - the owner's Sui address
  • coin_type : <string> - (optional) fully qualified type names for the coin. Defaults to 0x2::sui::SUI if not specified.
  • cursor : <string> - (optional) paging cursor of the coin Object to start after when returning results for the next request
  • limit : <uint> - (optional) maximum number of items per page

Example Request Template

The TypeScript example uses the Shinami Clients SDK.

Replace all instances of {{name}} with the actual value for that name

curl \ -X POST \ -H 'X-API-Key: {{nodeAccessKey}}' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '{ "jsonrpc":"2.0", "method":"suix_getCoins", "params":[ "{{ownerAddress}}", "{{coinType}}", "{{cursor}}", {{limit}} ], "id":1 }'
import { createSuiClient } from "@shinami/clients/sui"; const nodeClient = createSuiClient({{nodeAccessKey}}); await nodeClient.getCoins({ owner: "{{ownerAddress}}", cursor: "{{cursor}}", limit: {{limit}}, coinType: "{{coinType}}" });

Example Response

{ "jsonrpc" : "2.0", "result" : { "data" : [ { "balance" : "1000000000", "coinObjectId" : "0x34a947649e7d1837dc864bfa5bbbc873fef7f003ee8b502005f521aca9ba6e07", "coinType" : "0x2::sui::SUI", "digest" : "62xUAyKWPf8yMkCUxkNNj5js8FMWnbsv6QC75QhKRYct", "previousTransaction" : "32sp5CeigGxKqEhMqDUJDaSb48eMPgLj1fD7UXxvjekz", "version" : "1191782" }, { "balance" : "1000000000", "coinObjectId" : "0x3eb0bace095a1703998be4c8cf243a709ae3ef86bc5a6ebcd165c7d72279eea0", "coinType" : "0x2::sui::SUI", "digest" : "BQdrF9DYTU4tjfiqxW21DfFkcMENDSuWmA2cuELzeT8j", "previousTransaction" : "74xn4rX8hbN1dYEbhHz7jCctatVbdLXcgBXbtZ7WQbxj", "version" : "1074085" }, { "balance" : "1000000000", "coinObjectId" : "0x75beecf910f5e585cf1a1ccee0a1176130dfd0e0a34ce4bf027032e6a7797727", "coinType" : "0x2::sui::SUI", "digest" : "6eB7ssJnR8wR45LqvpMcSqUnYvja4ZhqZh8H2fAeWjKG", "previousTransaction" : "8FhkCTwj7toJ4E9mYq6gsvG6Gbi547Sxtf1ew9t9czxk", "version" : "1046394" } ], "hasNextPage" : true, "nextCursor" : "0x75beecf910f5e585cf1a1ccee0a1176130dfd0e0a34ce4bf027032e6a7797727" }, "id" : 1 }
{ data: [ { coinType: '0x2::sui::SUI', coinObjectId: '0x1c709e5b04848d0d8bff33f704cc13e1850e89e436aa39006efb1542aae63662', version: '23580100', digest: '6LSuGqMeapf3QEer5GQP6dYbt6qnU7Syf5hDVjURmqLF', balance: '2822947868', previousTransaction: 'DWmo9FQKTjTj99jBwGcC56fKn7CzjGguEZffT62V2QS' }, { coinType: '0x2::sui::SUI', coinObjectId: '0x34a947649e7d1837dc864bfa5bbbc873fef7f003ee8b502005f521aca9ba6e07', version: '1191782', digest: '62xUAyKWPf8yMkCUxkNNj5js8FMWnbsv6QC75QhKRYct', balance: '1000000000', previousTransaction: '32sp5CeigGxKqEhMqDUJDaSb48eMPgLj1fD7UXxvjekz' }, { coinType: '0x2::sui::SUI', coinObjectId: '0xfab8b696ffc877ee0667719465402a408da361b8e424299ef9370c1ad0eaf5e1', version: '629073', digest: 'J5bVLnhArLZYd8qp8hGeNX5iR9Y7ZjWxFTbHNmN5d2aA', balance: '1000000000', previousTransaction: '5hB7axMVtZ7dNWaZW77nR8zYsY1HMAJRAdG5rz59p9Tp' } ], nextCursor: '0xfab8b696ffc877ee0667719465402a408da361b8e424299ef9370c1ad0eaf5e1', hasNextPage: false }

Response Data
PaginatedCoins object with fields:

  • data: Array of type CoinStruct with fields:
    • balance: String
    • coinObjectId: String
    • coinType: String
    • digest: String
    • previousTransaction: String
    • version: String
  • hasNextPage: Boolean
  • nextCursor?: string | null


Return all Coin objects owned by an address.


  • owner : <SuiAddress> - the owner's Sui address
  • cursor : <string> - (optional) paging cursor
  • limit : <uint> - (optional) maximum number of items per page

Example Request Template

The TypeScript example uses the Shinami Clients SDK.

Replace all instances of {{name}} with the actual value for that name

curl \ -X POST \ -H 'X-API-Key: {{nodeAccessKey}}' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '{ "jsonrpc":"2.0", "method":"suix_getAllCoins", "params":[ "{{ownerAddress}}", "{{cursor}}", {{limit}} ], "id":1 }'
import { createSuiClient } from "@shinami/clients/sui"; const nodeClient = createSuiClient({{nodeAccessKey}}); await nodeClient.getAllCoins({ owner: "{{ownerAddress}}", cursor: "{{cursor}}", limit: {{limit}} });

Example Response

{ "jsonrpc" : "2.0", "result" : { "data" : [ { "balance" : "1000000000", "coinObjectId" : "0x34a947649e7d1837dc864bfa5bbbc873fef7f003ee8b502005f521aca9ba6e07", "coinType" : "0x2::sui::SUI", "digest" : "62xUAyKWPf8yMkCUxkNNj5js8FMWnbsv6QC75QhKRYct", "previousTransaction" : "32sp5CeigGxKqEhMqDUJDaSb48eMPgLj1fD7UXxvjekz", "version" : "1191782" }, { "balance" : "1000000000", "coinObjectId" : "0x3eb0bace095a1703998be4c8cf243a709ae3ef86bc5a6ebcd165c7d72279eea0", "coinType" : "0x2::sui::SUI", "digest" : "BQdrF9DYTU4tjfiqxW21DfFkcMENDSuWmA2cuELzeT8j", "previousTransaction" : "74xn4rX8hbN1dYEbhHz7jCctatVbdLXcgBXbtZ7WQbxj", "version" : "1074085" }, { "balance" : "1000000000", "coinObjectId" : "0x75beecf910f5e585cf1a1ccee0a1176130dfd0e0a34ce4bf027032e6a7797727", "coinType" : "0x2::sui::SUI", "digest" : "6eB7ssJnR8wR45LqvpMcSqUnYvja4ZhqZh8H2fAeWjKG", "previousTransaction" : "8FhkCTwj7toJ4E9mYq6gsvG6Gbi547Sxtf1ew9t9czxk", "version" : "1046394" } ], "hasNextPage" : true, "nextCursor" : "0x75beecf910f5e585cf1a1ccee0a1176130dfd0e0a34ce4bf027032e6a7797727" }, "id" : 1 }
{ data: [ { coinType: '0x2::sui::SUI', coinObjectId: '0x1c709e5b04848d0d8bff33f704cc13e1850e89e436aa39006efb1542aae63662', version: '23580100', digest: '6LSuGqMeapf3QEer5GQP6dYbt6qnU7Syf5hDVjURmqLF', balance: '2822947868', previousTransaction: 'DWmo9FQKTjTj99jBwGcC56fKn7CzjGguEZffT62V2QS' }, { coinType: '0x2::sui::SUI', coinObjectId: '0x34a947649e7d1837dc864bfa5bbbc873fef7f003ee8b502005f521aca9ba6e07', version: '1191782', digest: '62xUAyKWPf8yMkCUxkNNj5js8FMWnbsv6QC75QhKRYct', balance: '1000000000', previousTransaction: '32sp5CeigGxKqEhMqDUJDaSb48eMPgLj1fD7UXxvjekz' }, { coinType: '0x2::sui::SUI', coinObjectId: '0xfab8b696ffc877ee0667719465402a408da361b8e424299ef9370c1ad0eaf5e1', version: '629073', digest: 'J5bVLnhArLZYd8qp8hGeNX5iR9Y7ZjWxFTbHNmN5d2aA', balance: '1000000000', previousTransaction: '5hB7axMVtZ7dNWaZW77nR8zYsY1HMAJRAdG5rz59p9Tp' } ], nextCursor: '0xfab8b696ffc877ee0667719465402a408da361b8e424299ef9370c1ad0eaf5e1', hasNextPage: false }

Response Data
PaginatedCoins object with fields:

  • data: Array of type CoinStruct with fields:
    • balance: String
    • coinObjectId: String
    • coinType: String
    • digest: String
    • previousTransaction: String
    • version: String
  • hasNextPage: Boolean
  • nextCursor?: string | null


Return metadata(e.g., symbol, decimals) for a coin.

Request parameters

coinTypestringfully qualified type names for the coin (e.g., "0x2::sui::SUI"). Remember that your API key determines which network you're querying.

Example Request

curl \ -X POST \ -H 'X-API-Key: NODE_SERVICE_API_KEY' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '{ "jsonrpc":"2.0", "method":"suix_getCoinMetadata", "params":[ "0x2::sui::SUI" ], "id":1 }' | json_pp
import { createSuiClient } from "@shinami/clients/sui"; const nodeClient = createSuiClient(NODE_SERVICE_API_KEY); const resp = await nodeClient.getCoinMetadata({ coinType: "0x2::sui::SUI" }); console.log(resp);

Example response

{ "id" : 1, "jsonrpc" : "2.0", "result" : { "decimals" : 9, "description" : "", "iconUrl" : null, "id" : "0x9258181f5ceac8dbffb7030890243caed69a9599d2886d957a9cb7656af3bdb3", "name" : "Sui", "symbol" : "SUI" } }
{ "id" : 1, "jsonrpc" : "2.0", "result" : { "decimals" : 9, "description" : "", "iconUrl" : null, "id" : "0x587c29de216efd4219573e08a1f6964d4fa7cb714518c2c8a0f29abfa264327d", "name" : "Sui", "symbol" : "SUI" } }
{ decimals: 9, name: 'Sui', symbol: 'SUI', description: '', iconUrl: null, id: '0x9258181f5ceac8dbffb7030890243caed69a9599d2886d957a9cb7656af3bdb3' }

Response fields

The response is of type CoinMetadata with fields:

decimalsnumberNumber of decimal places the coin uses.
descriptionstringDescription of the token.
iconUrlstring | nullURL for the token logo if it exists.
idstring | nullObject id for the CoinMetadata object if it exists.
namestringName for the token.
symbolstringSymbol for the token.


Return total supply for a coin.

Request parameters

coinTypestringfully qualified type names for the coin (e.g., "0x2::sui::SUI"). Remember that your API key determines which network you're querying.

Example Request

curl \ -X POST \ -H 'X-API-Key: NODE_SERVICE_API_KEY' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '{ "jsonrpc":"2.0", "method":"suix_getTotalSupply", "params":[ "0x2::sui::SUI" ], "id":1 }' | json_pp
import { createSuiClient } from "@shinami/clients/sui"; const nodeClient = createSuiClient(NODE_SERVICE_API_KEY); const resp = await nodeClient.getTotalSupply({ coinType: "0x2::sui::SUI" }); console.log(resp);

Example Response

{ "id" : 1, "jsonrpc" : "2.0", "result" : { "value" : "10000000000000000000" } }
{ value: '10000000000000000000' }

Response Fields

Response is of type CoinSupply with fields:

valuestringThe total supply of the coin.