This allows you to submit multiple transactions. The response has three outcomes:
- All transactions succeed, and it will return a 202
- Some transactions succeed, and it will return the failed transactions and a 206
- No transactions succeed, and it will also return the failed transactions and a 206
To submit a transaction as JSON, you must submit a SubmitTransactionRequest.
To build this request, do the following:
- Encode the transaction as BCS. If you are using a language that has
native BCS support, make sure to use that library. If not, you may take
advantage of /transactions/encode_submission. When using this
endpoint, make sure you trust the node you're talking to, as it is
possible they could manipulate your request. - Sign the encoded transaction and use it to create a TransactionSignature.
- Submit the request. Make sure to use the "application/json" Content-Type.
To submit a transaction as BCS, you must submit a SignedTransaction
encoded as BCS. See SignedTransaction in types/src/transaction/
Make sure to use the application/x.aptos.signed_transaction+bcs
Authentication is via an 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_ACCESS_KEY' header (which you must add to the sample requests).